
Vikramasila: The great university of Tantric Buddhism This place has no known association with the Buddha but is included here because of its relative closeness… Read More »Vikramasila


Vesali: Scene of many important events in the Buddha’s career : Vesali was one of the Buddha’s favourite resorts and he visited it on several… Read More »Vesali


Savatthi: The city where the Buddha spent his last twenty years While in Rajgir the wealthy businessman Anathapindika first met the Buddha and invited him… Read More »Savatthi


Sarnath: The deer park where Buddha preached his first two discourses Just 13 kilometres from Varanasi is Isipathana, now called Sarnath, the deer park where… Read More »Sarnath


Sankassya: Where legend says Buddha descended from Tusita Heaven According to legend the Buddha went up to the Tusita Heaven, spent three months there teaching… Read More »Sankassya


Rajgir: The scene of many important events in the Buddha’s career After Bodh Gaya, this town is favourite Buddhist site in India. Its rugged peaks… Read More »Rajgir


Pragbodhi: The mountain where Prince Siddhartha practised austerities. After Prince Siddhartha renounced the world he practised austerities for six years. One of the places he… Read More »Pragbodhi


Prabhosa: The hill where the Buddha spent his sixth rains retreat While you are at Kosambi make a point of visiting Prabhosa. This hill was… Read More »Prabhosa


Patna: Visited by the Buddha and scene of the Third Buddhist Council Known as Pataligama to the Buddha, as Pataliputra to King Asoka who made… Read More »Patna


Nalanda: Visited by the Buddha & site of the great Buddhist university Another trip from Rajgir is to Nalanda. This small village and its surrounding… Read More »Nalanda